Blue Marsh Associates, Inc. was formed specifically to provide the best quality product, in a timely manner and lowest cost for all types of professional land surveying services. We take considerable pride in responding to ALL inquiries in less than one (1) day, adhering to our promised schedules and remaining within our fees for the agreed upon work scope.
Once a project begins Blue Marsh Associates, Inc. will provide a constant stream of communication to the client at each milestone or if an issue arises which may affect schedule or the property. Our Company philosophy is to respond to any client inquiries, by senior project staff, within two (2) hours of receipt. Clients of Blue Marsh Associates, Inc. are considered an integral part of our project team and we want to be valuable part of your team.
Boundary Disputes
Plan of survey
Pool Surveys
Site Plans
FEMA -Elevation Certificate
FEMA- ELOMA (Application for Letter of Map Amendment)
Title or Mortgage Survey
ALTA/NSPS Land Title survey
Subdivision Plan
Easement Plans
Metes & Bounds Descriptions
Site Infrastructure Layout
Erosion & Sedimentation Control stakes
Road Right of Way Stakeout
Utility Stakeout
As-built Surveys
Plot Plans Grading Plans
3D Virtual Construction Models Jobsite GPS Setup
Cut/Fill Analysis
Boundary Surveys
Subdivision Plans
Zoning Plans
DOT surveys
ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys
FEMA Elevation Certificate and ELMOA
Title Policy Review
Wetland Flag Location Surveys
Utility Surveys
As-Built Surveys
Condominium Plats
Riparian Surveys
Easement Plans/Exhibits
Metes & Bounds Descriptions
Aerial Mapping Control
Laser Scanning Services and Processing
Plot Plans Municipal Planning & Zoning Board Attendance & Testimony
Landfill Airspace/Volume Topography & Calculations
Landfill Gas Line Stakeout & As-Builts
Landfill Capping Documentation
Cell Tower Surveys
FCC 1A or 2C Certifications
Monitoring Well locations
Monitoring Well Certifications (Form ‘B’ – N.J.)
EPA Permit Site Plans
Roadway Right of Way Surveys
Railroad Right of Way Surveys
Riparian Surveys
Flood Plain Stream Cross-sections
Hazardous Waste Site Surveys
Storm Sewer As-built Plans
Utility Location Surveys
Forensic/Accident Surveys
Street Improvement Stakeout
Cost allocation Assessment
Sheriff Sales
Tax Map Compilation
GIS Compilation
Road Striking/Vacating Documentation
Wetland Inventory Plans
Cad services
Deed Research

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